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The story of our salad mix

by Alice Warner |  | 2 comments

August 16, 2017

You may wonder how I can write a whole blog post about salad mix. For starters, I’m a farmer. I love vegetables and could rave on about them all day. However, there is another reason.  Our salad mix is no ordinary mix. It’s a nutrient and flavour-packed punch of fresh-picked goodness.  

You may know that vegetables contain the most nutrients when they are still growing in the soil. Once picked, these nutrients begin to diminish rapidly and the health benefits go with them. The sooner after picking that you eat a leaf of baby greens, the more it will help keep you strong and healthy. Cooking vegetables can also break down and destroy nutrients, so it stands to reason that raw salad mix would have even more benefits as it hasn’t been heated up.

Of course, there are a few extra differences that add to the brilliance of our salad mix. Firstly, it is grown in real soil, not hydroponically like a lot of other salad mixes on supermarket shelves. This means that it is less waterlogged and more flavourful with a greater concentration of nutrients. Secondly, our salad mix is usually not only lettuce. By adding in mustards, rocket, kale, herbs, fennel, orach, tatsoi, baby spinach and any other amazing baby leaves we can think of, we increase the diversity of nutrients and the complexity of flavours.

So, don’t take your salad mix for granted. Dress it up with acids, healthy fats, nuts, fruits, seeds or cheeses, and taste the goodness of the green.   

Yours in veg,


Comments (2)

  • rfdypcnuzl on March 16, 2021

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  • Maggie Lester on August 16, 2017

    Hi there,
    Thank you for my Sample Box yesterday and it was nice to meet you.
    It was easy to use three veg’s for dinner last night even better was there was no waste.
    Although I have many Grand Children from a few months to 17 years of age it is wonderful when they love eating at Granma’s.
    Makes me feel special when Twenty Two Children, Partners and Grand Children love Fruit and Veg’s and only one Adult & two children don’t.
    I drove past you on the Hawkesbury Road later in the afternoon.
    Love what you do.

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